God is with me.  I learned that recently.  I learned that God is with me everywhere I go, and He will meet me wherever I am.  Far too many times, though, it feels as if God has disappeared, like He isn’t answering prayers.  We want to see God make moves in our lives, and we want these moves to be epic, to be huge, kind of like fireworks, and when we don’t see them, we assume God isn’t there.  Fireworks are loud, and they are bright, but they usually appear at the end.  They signify the end of the program, the end of a celebration, or sometimes, even a journey. 

We are constantly looking for fireworks that signify to us and others that we have arrived!  Fireworks, to us, is the peak of success and happiness.  However, in reality, fireworks indicate the end.  To God, your fireworks are “Well done, good and faithful servant,” and this is what you should be looking forward to.  These words signify the end of your life on this earth, having lived every day for God, using the talents He gave to you to share with others and fulfill His purpose in you.  In Philippians 3:14, Paul said, “I press toward the mark for the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus.”  The prize is not the peak; it is the end. 

Instead of searching and wondering when this big thing is going to happen, live every day step by step.  Eventually, you will be able to look back and see how far you’ve come.  You will see God was there the whole time, leading you to your fireworks, well done.  Make that your goal.  It is a prize that makes this life worth living.