What’s in your mind?  Stop and think about that for a minute: what do you think about on a regular basis that you know isn’t good for you?  What thoughts do you have that you know aren’t positive ones or even true?  Do you have thoughts of not being good enough or of not being attractive?  Do you think no one loves you or that no one cares about you?  Or do you have daydreams that something bad will happen to you or a loved one? What thoughts do you allow to stay in your mind? 

It is important to know that the more we think about something, the more likely it is to show up in our lives.  The longer we think about something, the more likely we are to believe it.  When you believe something, it begins to take root in your heart and affect the way you live your life. 

Thoughts Produce Emotions

Thoughts influence your emotions.  They affect how you feel.  Thinking about something negative produces a negative emotion.  If you think about something that makes you feel sad, you will continue to be sad as long as you dwell on that negative thought.  To change the way you feel, you have to change what you think about.  Don’t entertain thoughts that bring you down.  Whenever you begin to think about something that affects you negatively, replace it with something positive.  You have to ON PURPOSE get rid of the negative thoughts.  Don’t allow those things to stay there. 

Emotions Produce Action

Your emotions influence your actions.  You respond to the way you feel.  Many people put smiles on their faces, and pretend they aren’t going through anything.  They want to appear as if everything is fine.  However, you can look on the outside like everything is ok, but when you go home at night and attempt to drink your sadness away, that’s an action in response to your feelings.  You may look as if you have everything under control, but the stress, the worry, and the fear that is beginning to consume your life, can bring your body down.  A physical appearance may not reveal an accurate depiction of how you feel, but you will behave in a way that does. 

Actions Become Your Life

Your actions make up your life.  Something done over and over again eventually becomes a habit.  Your habits make up your character and define who you are as a person.  People always want to change their lives to make it better, but they don’t want to change their habits.  If what you do on a daily basis is not bringing you closer to the life you’re seeking, a positive one wherein you are happy and enjoying your life, you need to change what you do on a daily basis.  

What does a positive life look like to you?  What do you need to do in order to obtain the life you want?  What are the emotions that will motivate you to do what you need to do?  What do you need to think about consistently in order to consistently have those emotions?  In other words, if you are going to make your life better, you are going to have to make your thoughts better. 

Your mind is so important.  There is absolutely nothing like living with peace of mind.  When you have peace, you can think more clearly, make better decisions, and just live a better life.  Control your thoughts, control your mind, and control your life.